Thursday, January 15, 2009

First week of subbing

So, Tuesday was my first official day of subbing. It was at my old high school, which was really weird going back there! This time though I was calling the teacher's by their first names (because they told me to) and I was getting paid to be there! It was also weird because my sister is a senior there, so I was teaching some of her friends as well! As I was walking through the halls, I almost wanted to cry. I miss high school so much and I still must say those were some of my favorite years throughout my entire life. It's where I met my closest friends, had my first true love, and grew inot the person I am today. I couldn't wait to leave high school while I was there, but now that it has been almost five years later, I wish I could go back! My advice to my students is to enjoy your high school years, although it may seem lame while you are there, you will miss it once you begin to grow up!

I have worked there tues and thurs and supposedly friday. With the temperatures though, I am hoping that tomorrow is cancelled. All the schools around us are cancelled but the one I am working at, I hope they do! I really hate the cold weather, and if I had my choice I would move somewhere where it is warm!

As for the guy situation, things are so confusing. I was watching the entire DVD of season two of One Tree Hill and in the one episode it said "Relationships are hard, but what's harder is being alone." All I can say to that is AMEN! In the past seven years, I have only been single for a total of eight months. Now, once again I have been single for another eight months. It has been hard at times, especially around the holidays. I must say though, that I have really grown as a person. I have learned a lot about myself and can honestly say I have really grown up. My best friend said I needed to do that, I am glad I listened to her on that. I do feel that I am ready to move on. Although I have dated often, I am not sure if I like being by myself more or with someone. I am glad I stayed single during student teaching, because if I didn't I probably would have gone nuts. There is still a little bit of hope in me that things in my past will work out, but I can't wait forever. I know things would be different now, but it's just going to take time to figure out. Right now I am waiting on God. I have faith that when it's time and when the right one comes along, I will become the happiest girl ever! Just be patient...that's what I tell myself!

Well, stay warm and I'll keep ya posted on the events during subbing!

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