Thursday, January 8, 2009

Slacking Already....

Yes, already I didn't write in my blog last night. I have TWO really good reasons though! First off, the date from the other night called :) and second off I was reading the first book in the Twilight series, and I couldn't manage to put it down! I feel that those are two pretty good excuses!

So, I got a call last night from my old high school for a subbing job. I was super excited because I may actually now begin to earn some extra cash and also I would no longer be sitting in my house with nothing to do! My old principal called me, which was a little weird, and she asked me to sub three days next week. Not bad for my first week of subbing! The only thing that's a little out of the ordinary is that for those three days I will be subbing for the school librarian. Yes, I know you can laugh. That's what everyone did that I have told thus far, especially my little sister. She is still a senior there and she is VERY interested to see how I manage to pull this one off. Although I am no the librarian "type" it's money and experience so I am going to kick it in the butt!

That was the exciting news for the day. The rest of the day was spent with my second family (Liz's family). I went to the mall to get my nails done for the interview tomorrow, and I also got information on switching my cell phone plan. I am still on a family share plan from the previous relationship and now that I have to pay it on my own, it's getting a little expensive! I also found out in three months that I can get a new cell phone, that was exciting news for me too (pathetic, I know).

I received a very unexpected text that night too. Someone very close to me sent me a text that just said "thank you". I was a little confused as to what that meant, and when I asked him he said for everything you have done. We have been through a lot lately and that made my night, week, and month. It meant a lot to see where we are now and how far we have come! It's pretty exciting and I thank God for him and our newly strengthened friendship! :)

So today consisted of taking care of some business, bonding with old friends, and me becoming a librarian. Once again, not very exciting but it's slowly getting better!

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