I am sitting here while the inauguration is on. I really wanted to see it, especially because today is an important day in American history. I am thrilled to see how far our country has come, it makes me proud :) Now, if we could get the racism out of some of the schools, that would be great!
After reading my friend Kristen's blog, I now have decided that once I finish the first book of the Twilight series that I too am going to read "The Rules" book. Obviously I need some advice/help/miracle in the dating scene, so maybe this is my hope. At this point, I'm desperate for answers. As I was watching Sex in the City last night, once again Carrie's life revealed mine. Miranda got mad at Carrie for still talking to Big even though he has put her through so much and eventually married someone else. Well, my friends have been telling me the same thing for awhile now as well. I promise I have been listening!...It is SOOOO scary how much my life is like hers....ugh I just need some expensive shoes though....hopefully with all this job searching one day that will come true as well!
Well, here's to another year where I am one year older. I learned a lot last year, so I know that will continue. At least this year, I have a degree, my own place, and TRUE friends who really have shown me that they care...:)
Hey, you! I put in 141 resumes...no jobs in the Sunshine State. But I know you will get a job. And don't forget about the private schools, a lot of those are not on PA Educator. Good luck!